Austin & Pickersgill - Wear Dockyard

Austin & Pickersgill - Wear Dockyard

Postby teesships » Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:55 pm

A general view from an Albert Weller slide.
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Re: Austin & Pickersgill - Wear Dockyard

Postby creemaster » Mon Aug 05, 2013 5:59 pm

I think the ship in the background is Shipping & Coal's GREENLAND, launched 19th June 1962 and completed September 1962

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Re: Austin & Pickersgill - Wear Dockyard

Postby northeast » Sun Nov 01, 2020 6:19 pm

A view from downstream, with BORDE on the pontoon and the Wearmouth road and rail bridges beyond.
BORDE was a product of Austin's yard, in 1953.
I remember many walks down that steep road, leading to Corporation Quay and a view of the Thompson yard.
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