Pilot boat

Pilot boat

Postby Whickham » Sat Aug 25, 2012 5:43 pm

Can't make out the name on the Pilot boat (is it just Pilots or Pilot5?)

Photographer unknown

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Re: Pilot boat

Postby magoonigal » Mon Jan 04, 2021 11:59 pm

Now this one is proving to be a mini mystery. She was just called "PILOTS" but she did have another name. I was told many, many, many years ago, but my association with her was in the 1960's. She was a running mate of the PLESSEY which was built by James A Silver at Rosneath, Dumbartonshire and entered service in 1950. She had a 4Cy Gardner up front with a cabin aft. All pretty basic. She was sold locally in the early to mid 60's and bought by a pal of my Dad. She was berthed in the south Harbour next to the German Shed's where the old Sub Base Chapel was and I used to spend loads of time on board doing the odd job or just sitting watching the ships. Spence never bothered locking her. My reward was the odd trip out with the Cowpen Quay Angling Club on a Sunday. I never managed to catch anything but I never went home empty handed! I have been through various MNL's of the period but as far as I can see, she was never Registered.
Paul Hood. + WSS Tyneside Branch Hon Sec.
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Re: Pilot boat

Postby creemaster » Tue Jan 05, 2021 3:15 pm

See you should have asked
Shy bairns get nowt
Mind you you could have asked and given your age now you will have forgotten.
:lol: :lol:
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