Messages and Photos

Enquiries about using the forum

Messages and Photos

Postby northeast » Sat May 12, 2012 9:11 pm

I hope we can avoid the need for long lists of conditions re matters such as always being polite, keeping to the point and not generally not causing offence or mayhem within the forum, if you do then there will be the simple expedient of banning without apology or explanation!

Try to use the appropriate sub-forum under each of the main headings, ask if you want a new sub-forum adding (as long a it's about shipping).

There is no 'Foghorn' or similar forum for talking about life in general, this is a shipping site, not an episode of 'Grumpy Old Men'!
Nor do we intend to diversify into buses, aeroplanes, trains etc.

Photos can be attached to messages but please note the limit of 500kb and 1500 pixels wide for attachment sizes.
There is a present limit of 3 photos per message.
Use the 'attachment' button below the message panel, then the 'place in line' command and it will appear below your cursor in the panel.
Repeat for additional photos
Please, please consider photo quality before posting, we all take good ones and not-so-good ones, share the good ones!

Could we also ask, please try to supply at least some basic details about the ships you post, we don't look for full histories but a photo with some caption to offer even basic details means so much more than a photo on its own.
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Re: Messages and Photos

Postby Tynesider » Wed Jun 20, 2012 8:12 pm

Hi George

Thank you for the above very usefull information.

As a new user I also only found out by accident that (and maybe some others do not know) is that if you 'click' onto a picture it enlarges it :D
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Re: Messages and Photos

Postby northeast » Thu Jun 21, 2012 9:10 am

Thanks Mike .... this is, of course, the section that new members never look at (do you ever read the assembly instructions before starting a job?) so it's as well to give it an airing now and then :)
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